Dec 6, 2024
'What Kind Of Man Takes A Bubble Bath?'
Fox News' Jesse Watters doesn't think real men takes "bubble baths."
- 10 minutes
The hardest working
alpha male dog in Fox News history.
Jesse Watters has a lot of thoughts
about what makes a man a man,
and he also is thinking
about naked men taking bubble baths.
- Take a look.
- Government has only gotten bigger.
We're $36 trillion in debt.
Agencies are bloated
and bureaucrats have never been lazier.
Biden spent 40%
of his presidency on vacation.
But compared to the rest
of the government, he's a workaholic.
A new Senate report says
only 6% of federal workers
go into the office five days a week.
And if you don't count security guards and
maintenance staff, only 1% of government
workers do 9 to 5 Monday through Friday.
1%. Almost 90% of government
office buildings are completely empty.
So where is everyone?
One manager at Veterans Affairs
took a picture of himself
working from a bubble bath.
He called it my office for the next hour.
What kind of man takes a bubble bath?
Men age out of bubble baths at five.
If you're a guy and you're alone
in a bubble bath, that's a problem.
You have to have someone with you.
Remember when the GSA got caught
in a Vegas bubble bath
holding a California cab?
And that guy's defense,
there was another glass of wine.
So either he drinks enough to be
a real man or somebody was joining him.
But let's just react to it right now.
Jesse Watters thinks you can't
be a real man unless you swear off
bubble baths or something.
What do you guys think?
I continue to think that Jesse Watters
is running some kind of,
He's not really that guy.
There's some internet guy.
I can't remember his name right now.
He always posts and says, over the top
ridiculous conservative things,
which you would think
would be conservative because of
how ridiculous things that people say
from the conservative side say them.
And it's obvious that he's messing around.
But it's there's so many nuggets of things
that they really think you go,
wait a second, maybe he is for real.
Jesse Watters can't be for real. He can't.
He can't be for real.
So your whole block is
to talk about how bubble baths.
By the way, I don't take baths either,
but I don't know why.
I need to judge anyone who does,
but that's his purpose is going in
and talking about bubble baths
and how it's so unmanly.
And that's the reasons why we have
these deficiencies with the amount of time
that federal employees work,
by the way, federal employees don't work.
But somehow his favorite president,
all of his favorite congresspeople and
senators that are on the Republican side,
somehow they work enough,
but they're still federal employees.
They don't work in the month of August,
but they're still better than federal
employees at this whole MAGA movement
wants to rid the entire government
of what they call the deep state.
It's only those guys,
not the ones who are getting paid the most
and doing the least amount of work, which,
by the way, the work that they do
is about enriching rich folks standing
up for corporations and billionaires.
That's a little bit of work that they do.
But he can go on TV
and talk about bubble baths
and somehow have a persuasive argument.
I don't think people are persuaded
by Jesse Watters.
I think he's a comedy show.
He's definitely a bizarre
and oftentimes off key.
And in this case, of course, you're right.
You see the two glasses of wine there.
So he's kind of like just he couldn't even
find a good prop picture to, you know,
from which to to make his point.
But, he's part of this hyper
masculinity thing,
which is really what the GOP is doing now.
It's what the Trump MAGA campaign
was all about.
And in that hyper masculinity,
we'll tell you what's masculine.
We'll tell you the manly thing
and we'll tell you, I mean, look,
you want to talk about, and by the way,
just as an aside, hyper masculinity is
typically I mean, within campaigns is
typically a precursor to authoritarianism.
And you can, you know, look it up.
It's it's absolutely,
and completely applicable.
But, the idea somehow that you could bust,
any government worker
for not working enough when the guy who's
about to take office was essentially
on the golf course all the time,
he showed up to work, okay every day
at around 11, usually a little after 11,
and he was gone by early afternoon
and playing golf almost every day.
So the idea somehow that there's a work
ethic that's going to be reflected
by either GOP leadership or the president,
president elect himself, is laughable.
The whole thing, to Jr's point is a laugh.
I mean, waters is a joke.
Yeah, yeah, there's Trump visited
a Trump Organization property on 428,
which is nearly one of three days
of his presidency.
He was out someplace else.
So one like 40%.
This is you know, this is I mean,
this is a sizable chunk of time
that Trump was spending at his
freaking at his at his, his places.
And when he and when.
He was there, when he was at the white
House, he was he's there for a handful of
hours and he's doing essentially nothing.
Didn't read briefing materials
all the rest of it.
I mean, when it comes into the gold
medalist for lazy Trump
is is lapping every other person
who you could even consider.
So ridiculous and but to give more advice
on being an alpha male,
he brought in alpha male Stephen Miller.
This part's amazing. Take a look.
Stephen Miller should grown men
be taking bubble baths?
Grown men should not
be taking bubble baths.
And they certainly should not be doing
their work from home in a bubble bath.
It's just so it's so emblematic of
the contempt
that so many people in the swamp have
for the people who pay their salaries.
When Donald Trump is inaugurated
on January 20th and that new golden age
of America begins, he's going to tell
the federal workers of this country,
who are paid for by your viewers,
to get back into the office and do their
jobs or find another line of work.
We are not paying billions and billions of
dollars for people to sit at home all day
as federal workers streaming
their favorite shows on Netflix,
lounging around in bubble baths and doing
God knows what else, but definitely
not working for the American people.
This is one of my favorite clips
of all time, because I'm not taking advice
on how to be a dude from Stephen Miller
who still looks like a sperm.
Also, he transitioned from How
to be a man's man to cupping the backside
of Donald Trump's balls in his mouth.
When my daddy shows up,
everything's gonna be great.
He's gonna bring back glory
and a golden age.
No. Like golden age. Who talks like that?
Not real men. Real men love mahogany.
We like a wood paneled office,
like me and my best friend, Matt Walsh.
Isn't it weird
that everything becomes a pitch?
Everything becomes a political pitch.
I knew it was coming back
to how great Donald Trump is.
By the way, if you stop and think about
the stupidity that he's saying, everything
is great because of Donald Trump,
because now people are going to come back
into the federal offices and work.
People stop going
into the federal offices and work.
In 2020, when your boy ignored
the pandemic and people were died to the
hundreds of thousands, the number of
hundreds of thousands of people now people
work from home regularly from that moment.
So whose fault is it?
Or partially the reasons why no one goes
into work and real men are non men
are taking bubble baths while they work.
Ya boy that you just finished praising
this is none of it makes any sense.
They just talk for the point of promoting.
It's all propaganda.
Nothing is valid.
Nothing they say really has
their belief systems behind it.
It's just pushing the same narrative.
It's by the way, athletes take ice baths.
Does that count or are they not real men?
No, I. Think that's a different deal.
- They have to be painful.
- I'm sorry.
It has to be a painful bath.
I've never taken a bath or bubble bath.
I'm really not.
I'm feeling like really kind
of a loser here with somebody else
or without somebody else.
I have taken a bath before,
but maybe the number of baths I've taken,
I could count on one hand,
but I feel like a little outclassed here
by the real the bath people.
But, I'm a I'm not a bath person at all,
but, I mean, I haven't thought about it.
It's too time consuming.
You got to fill that tub up.
You know the whole thing.
By the time it's full, it's end,
the water's getting cold.
It just, you know,
I'm not in the mood anymore.
Then you're just.
You're just soaking
in your own, That's true.
Washing off. Yeah.
That's the.
That's what I can't get out of my brain.
And now you're just getting clean
and you're sitting in it.
No, you.
You clean
before the Japanese people take baths.
It's awesome.
And they're very clean people.
They've got. There's a whole system.
- You have to do it.
- Oh that's.
Yeah, the Japanese probably have it too.
- Down to a science.
- Yeah.
Okay, so that's that's all the time
we have for our first hour.
- We could go.
- On and on.
- About with.
- The with the bath stuff.
Yeah, we're leaving with the bath stuff.
I don't know,
I think you should be able to take
whatever kind of bathing, Approach.
You desire.
I like a good bubble bath.
I like bath bombs.
Don't tell.
Donald Trump wears makeup
like a very thick bronzer.
So don't tell me what is and isn't
masculine because I'm going to end
with that body blow, right?
And then also, like my guy freaking Jesse
Watters spends hours in a makeup chair.
Like, if you were really a man's man,
just show up, grow a beard,
first of all, and then we'll talk.
But he's in his fancy suit,
having a driver take him
across town in New York City.
It's all projection and an admission.
- Thanks for watching.
- The Young Turks.
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