Oct 30, 2024
Harris Left To Clean Up HUGE MESS After Biden's 'Garbage' Gaffe
President Joe Biden referred to MAGA supporters as "garbage," igniting a firestorm of backlash.
- 10 minutes
Puerto Rico,
where I'm in my home state of Delaware.
There are good, decent, honorable people.
The only garbage I see floating
out there is his supporters.
His demonization of Latinos
is unconscionable, and it's un-American.
There you have the current sitting
president of the United States, referring
to nearly half the electorate as garbage,
which is not something that we should be
supportive of regardless of where we stand
on this political spectrum,
because setting a precedent
where the president of the United States,
who has taken an oath to represent
this country and protect our Constitution,
is a dangerous precedent to set.
We wouldn't like it
if Trump said similar things.
In fact, when Trump does say
disgusting things about voters, about his
political opponents, we condemn him
because that is not a sign of leadership.
That is a sign of an individual
who seeks to sow division in the country,
hatred in the country.
It's something that should be condemned.
A sitting president referring to nearly
half of the electorate as garbage,
is not a good look and does not set a good
standard when it comes to the leadership
that this country that the voters
of this country should be looking for.
Should be demanding, should require
of our leaders and of the president.
Now, luckily, Kamala Harris
gave a very different message,
and I want to commend her for that,
because as Biden
was making those statements,
Kamala Harris was giving a speech of her
own and her speech was wonderful.
And I'm going to get
to that in just a minute.
But before I do, Biden tried to clarify
his comments after he stepped in it.
Now, of course, there was a lot of
gaslighting from his supporters before he
came out and put out this statement,
basically gaslighting about how he didn't
actually say that even though we all
saw the video and you could see it for
yourself, you could hear it for yourself.
The gaslighting
only makes this situation worse.
Please don't engage in that.
But Biden says, earlier today I referred
to the hateful rhetoric about Puerto Rico
spewed by Trump supporters at the Madison
Square Garden rally as garbage,
which is the only word
I can think of to describe it.
His demonization of Latinos
is unconscionable.
That's all I meant to say.
The comments at that rally
don't reflect who we are as a nation.
But he didn't call
or simply call the comedian garbage.
He called Trump supporters garbage,
as you all heard,
and he shouldn't have done that.
Now, unfortunately, Kamala Harris
is now trying to clean up Biden's mess.
And if you guys can recall,
earlier this week we shared a story
with you indicating that Harris's campaign
is trying to persuade Biden
to stop campaigning for her.
And I think after you saw
the video of Biden, you can understand
why the Harris campaign feels that way.
Instead, Biden has decided to pursue
campaigning on behalf of Kamala Harris
without even letting her
campaign know about it ahead of time.
I don't know if that's what happened
in this particular case,
but Axios reported earlier this week
that it certainly happened at one event
that Biden was campaigning at.
I think he should respect her wishes
and just maybe sit this out.
Now, with that in mind, Kamala Harris
does deserve credit for a speech
that she was giving around the same time
that Biden made his comments.
And I think that the message
in her speech shows what a real leader
should sound like and believe in.
- Take a look.
- Our democracy doesn't.
It doesn't require us
to agree on everything.
In fact, we like good arguments
from time to time.
Just think of your own family, right?
It's not the American way
to not have disagreements.
We don't shy away from robust debate.
Robust debate.
In fact, we like a good debate, don't we?
We like a good debate.
And the fact that someone disagrees with
us does not make them the enemy within.
That's right. They are family, neighbors,
classmates, coworkers.
- They are fellow Americans.
- That's what a leader says.
A leader doesn't look at nearly half
the electorate and call them garbage.
Because if someone wants to serve
as any public servant, but certainly
as the president of the United States,
you have to represent everyone.
You have to look out for everyone.
I remember when, you know,
there were wildfires in California
and Trump was president,
and he essentially threatened
to withhold relief funding
for the state of California as the state
was being ravaged by these wildfires.
How infuriating was that?
Donald Trump saw Democratic voters
as unworthy of the same representation
that he was willing to provide
for his supporters.
That was wrong.
If you are a Democrat and you're trying to
provide cover for what Biden said, well,
then you're part of the problem as well,
because you are pushing to set a precedent
that is incredibly toxic
and not helpful at all.
The president is supposed
to represent the people,
not simply the people who voted for him,
not simply the people who supported him.
Whether it's a Democrat president or a
Republican president, I don't give a damn.
That individual has taken an oath,
and that individual should do
what's right and what's best to lead
this country and represent the people.
That is my take on it.
People find that offensive because, you
know, Biden or a Democrat is considered
a sacred cow, unworthy of any criticism.
This ain't the show for you. Sorry.
My values go beyond political tribes.
I know a lot of people are upset
about that, but if you're looking
for a Partizan show that's obsessed
with political tribes, go look for it.
There's a slew of those programs out there
on YouTube in the mainstream media.
Take your pick.
Now, unfortunately, Kamala Harris keeps
getting asked about what Biden had to say.
So here's one of the interactions
that she had with the reporter.
Let's take a look.
President Biden took
this comment last night about garbage.
Listen, I think that first of all,
he clarified his comments.
- But let.
- Me be clear, I strongly.
Disagree with any criticism of people
based on who they vote for.
You heard my speech last night
and continuously throughout my career.
I believe that the work that I do
is about representing all the people,
whether they support me or not.
Again, Kamala Harris
knocks it out of the park.
That was the correct answer,
and I'm proud of her.
I really am for pushing back
against what we heard from Biden.
Now, some of you think what Biden said
was totally okay because you agree.
You think that half the electorate
is definitely, you know, garbage.
But you're a private citizen.
You are entitled to your beliefs.
You're entitled to your views.
You are not the president
of the United States.
You are not a person
who took an oath to serve this country.
And if you think it's okay for Biden to
say such things, I don't want to hear any
of you crying about the next president.
If the next president is Donald Trump.
I don't want to hear you crying when he
says negative things about the Democratic
electorate because, hey, I mean,
he's entitled to his opinion, right?
He's the president of the United States.
But it's totally okay
to trash half the electorate.
Man, we are quickly becoming everything
that we purport to hate about the right.
Just keeping it real.
Now I want to go to one last video,
because one of the other reasons why you
want to avoid making gross statements
like that about tens of millions
of American voters is because your
political opponents will seize on it
and they will use it against you.
In fact, Donald Trump is seizing
on the moment right now as we speak.
And you should have expected
that to happen.
Take a look.
- Remember Hillary, she said deplorable.
- And then she said irredeemable.
Right. But she said deplorable.
That didn't work out.
Garbage, I think is worse. Right.
But he doesn't know. You have to.
Please forgive him.
Please forgive him,
for he not knoweth what he said.
I'm sure that his comments
will become more and more harsh
or unhinged moving forward.
That was actually ridiculously toned down
considering what I
was expecting him to do.
But can we just please
not provide cover for our leaders
when they make mistakes like this?
That was a terrible mistake
that Biden made.
It should not be justified.
Again, if you're a private citizen
and you have your personal views
about the Republican electorate,
that's on you and that's your business.
You have not taken an oath
to represent the country.
You're not the president
of the United States.
And I don't know why anyone would think
it's a good idea to celebrate or applaud
political culture in this country that
allows for the president to just regularly
trash tens of millions of people that he
himself is supposed to be representing.
That is not a good culture to set.
And things will just continue devolving.
I don't think that this is
a winning thing to do.
I don't I'm not proud of what Biden did.
And honestly, the thing
that frustrates me even more
is that after he made those statements,
even though he was on video making those
statements, bunch of people are totally
gaslighting about how it didn't happen.
It's totally made up. It's fake.
It's a scary world that we're currently
living in where a lot of people,
a lot of voters, a lot of people
in the media just not based in their views
are not based in reality at all,
and they would rather lie to people
in order to cover up a mistake
or a terrible act of an individual
in a position of power.
I don't even recognize what's happened
to the Democratic Party anymore,
to be honest.
And luckily, you have people
like Kamala Harris pushing back, and I'm
really proud of her for doing that.
And if you're offended by it,
be offended by it.
I don't really care.
I see the direction that the country
is going in with this type of divisive,
disgusting rhetoric from people who,
again, went out of their way
to get elected to represent the people.
When you make that decision, when you
are awarded that position by the people,
you need to represent the people,
including the individuals who decided
to cast their ballots for someone else.
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The Young Turks: October 30, 2024
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