Sep 26, 2024
WATCH: Is This The DUMBEST Thing Trump Has Ever Said?
Click here for TYT's Trump brackets!
- 9 minutes
This is a tough hurricane.
One of the wettest we've ever seen
from the standpoint of water.
Rarely have we had an experience like it.
And it certainly is not good.
All right, well, there you go.
That's going to be one of the contestants
in trump brackets tonight.
So buckle up everybody.
The first one's relatively easy.
This is a one seed versus 16 seed.
Just like March Madness said his VP
deserved to be murdered is a one seed.
We'll get you the tape on that
in a second.
And the 16 seed is the one you
just saw called the hurricane
one of the wettest we've ever seen
from the standpoint of water,
which somehow, miraculously turns out to
be incorrect, too, if you think about it.
Hey, don't scroll away.
Come back, come back.
Because before the video continues,
we just want to urge you
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But anyways, okay,
so now let me show you the serious one.
This is Cassidy Hutchinson
testifying about what Trump said.
I remember Pat saying something
to the effect of Mark,
we need to do something more.
They're literally calling
for the vice president to be effing hung.
And Mark had responded something
to the effect of you heard him, Pat.
He thinks Mike deserves it.
He doesn't think
they're doing anything wrong.
The president told his chief of staff
that his vice president
deserved to be murdered, and the murderers
weren't doing anything wrong.
And we're still having a conversation
about whether this guy
should be president.
So anyway, that that's that's why that's
the number one seed in the brackets here.
We don't need to discuss
that one too much.
I think that was probably
going to win the day.
But let's go to a tough one.
Five versus 12. Seed said
Second Amendment support could counteract
Clinton's judicial appointments.
And and that's the five seed and 12
seed is feigned ignorance of project 2025,
even as so many of his Former staffers
are involved in that.
So let me show you
the Second Amendment quote.
You might not remember this.
That's part of the reason
why we play Trump rackets.
Watch this.
Hillary wants to abolish, essentially
abolish the Second Amendment, by the way.
And if she gets to pick.
If she gets to pick her judges,
nothing you can do, folks.
Although the Second Amendment
people maybe there is, I don't know.
But now they pretend they want
to turn down
the rhetoric about political violence.
That is, again, there's so many things
that he has done that are so abominable
that it's unbelievable that we're
considering him, like reelecting him
as president and hence Trump
If a million people play this game,
they're going to be reminded
of all these terrible things.
But let me show you the last one.
Him denouncing project 2025
because we're fair.
I don't know what the hell it is.
It's project 25. He's involved in project,
and then they read some of the things
and they are extreme.
I mean, they're seriously extreme,
but I don't know anything about it.
I don't know anything about it.
It's all his former staffers
and future staffers but doesn't know.
All right, John, what's your take on that?
I got to be honest.
You need to break this up
into the dumbest things bracket
and the most Evil things bracket,
because you're really trying to push
two different games on me at once,
and I. I resent it a little bit
because I came here to talk about dumb,
and you're making me distinguish
between dumb and rank evil, whereas,
you know, hanging Mike pence, I mean,
dumb long term, but I think he knew he
had enough Supreme Court ringers, so maybe
he had some scheme that's more evil.
Whereas, the wettest hurricane
by measure of water.
That's a special kind.
That's that's Darwin might be wrong.
That's a special kind
of stupid right there.
So that's fun and funny.
Like like, I mean, it wasn't fun
at the time considering he was commenting
on a hurricane that was, you know,
like terrorizing people and destroying
their homes and everything, but.
And he could have at least nuked it.
Because that's that's
what a leader would do in that situation.
Staff stopped him from doing that.
They're always standing in the way.
These people he hires that are so awful.
So the audience did vote on the top 64.
Hundreds of submissions.
And him threatening to nuke
a hurricane was on the list,
but didn't make the top 64. Right.
And so they voted the funny ones
near the bottom right
and the disastrous ones near the top.
So, I'll probably go for the sake now.
Probably, definitely go
for the Second Amendment.
One on that one.
I think it's threatening
political violence and terrible.
Let's go to a four seed versus a 13 seed.
Suggested dangerous treatments
like injecting disinfectants for Covid.
And the 13th seed is told supporters
to get over a school shooting.
So we've got both
of those for you as well.
Let's watch.
I see the disinfectant
where it knocks it out in a minute.
One minute.
And is there a way we can do something
like that by injection inside or.
Or almost a cleaning because you see,
it gets on the lungs and it does
a tremendous number of the lungs.
So it'd be interesting to check that.
Almost a cleaning,
sterilization of an area.
Maybe it works, maybe it doesn't work,
but it certainly has a big effect
if it's on a stationary object.
I, you know, color me naive.
I really thought he was done after that.
Oh, yeah.
I was like, no, you can't recover from.
Inject disinfectant inside your body.
Maybe we clean it up all
on the inside with disinfectant.
How dumb are you? Jesus Christ.
But no, no, people are like,
no, I'm good with it.
I mean, that's three in just these
four questions where I was like,
it's got to be a deal breaker, right?
He's threatening to murder judges,
Hillary Clinton's judges.
He's threatening to murder
his own vice president.
One of these has got to be a deal breaker.
Hasn't been so far.
And here's him talking
about an Iowa school shooting.
It's just terrible to see that happening.
That's just horrible.
So surprising to see it here.
But, I'll have to get over it.
We have to move forward.
We have to move forward.
You know, you got to move forward
because the NRA sent a lot of checks.
- So thoughts on that one again.
- It's more dumb versus evil for me.
And I have to go with injecting
disinfectant first off
because let's be fair to the man
he never said drink bleach.
And you liberals have been lying for years
saying my man comb over.
Caligula said, drink bleach. He never did.
You heard it there.
It's a totally different kind of stupid.
Inject disinfectant
and I have to vote for that.
Just for the look of desolation
in Doctor Deborah Burke's face,
when she realizes in that moment
that her plan to release a line of scarfs
and ascots probably won't go financially
as well as she'd hoped.
No, like you're totally right,
Doctor Burke's expression there of like,
oh my God, oh my God,
I can't believe he's saying it deserved.
So deserved. Yeah.
All right, I got one last one
for you guys.
This is an eight seed versus a nine seed.
So this one's the toughest.
Advocated for killing innocent,
innocent family members of terrorists
and removed over 300 classified docs from
the white House, removing 300 classified.
Some top secret docs
is a nine seed in Trump rackets.
That's how many crazy things
that he's done.
And if in case you forgot
the killing the family's line, here it is.
I would knock the hell out of ISIS.
I would hit them.
I would hit them. Brian.
So hard like they've never.
- What about.
- Civilian casualties?
What about the fact
that we're targeting them and people.
Are very concerned
about collateral damage?
- I would do my best.
- Absolute best.
I mean, one of the problems that we have,
and one of the reasons
we're so ineffective is, you know, they're
trying to they're using them as shields.
It's a horrible thing.
They're using them as shields.
But we're fighting
a very politically correct war.
Well, we see that happening. Thing is.
With the terrorists,
you have to take out their families.
When you get these terrorists,
you have to take out their families.
I mean, I don't think
that should even qualify.
Is that unique to Trump?
I don't think that's unique to Trump.
To be fair, that clip there
is about collateral.
Collateral damage.
In a different instance, guys,
he talked about killing them.
Family members of the terrorists.
Well, to be fair, more servicemen died in
Afghanistan under Trump than under Biden.
And he bragged about dropping
the mother of all bombs.
I just like that clip
for our right wing friends who have
this notion that, oh, Trump was anti-war.
You, you you left us.
You're all pro-war now.
You were all against it.
And now now you're for war.
And this lie that Donald Trump was somehow
a dove that he was somehow against.
I mean, he bombed Somalia.
He bombed Yemen, he bombed Syria.
- So. Peace through strength.
- Baby.
Yeah, I got a I got to go with that.
Just to get
just to get the truth out there.
And that sounds like escalation
through de-escalation.
No de-escalation through escalation
that the Israel is now advocating for to
start World War three in the Middle East.
And Trump came out with that one first.
First we kill them all,
including their family members.
And then that way they'll just surrender.
Well, he's the choice.
And the the deep conservative Christians
want to know there'll be as many
slaughtered civilians as possible.
Yeah, because they're pro-life.
Exactly right.
I just think Trump is,
he's not as sophisticated as everyone else
in Washington who believes the same thing,
but just doesn't say it out loud.
On that issue. You're totally right.
The family members have been slaughtered
in Gaza, and Biden paid for it.
So. And in fairness, you know, the
classified documents might not have been
the dumbest thing he did because he seemed
to have known he'd be insulated somehow.
Who could have known?
Only in America can a criminal defendant
grow up to hire his own judge.
That's totally true.
That's exactly what happened.
That's really interesting.
With great privilege
comes no accountability.
All right. Trump
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in the description box.
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all around to all family and friends.
If the whole country is playing that game,
they're going to remember
all these things about Trump.
I love that you're doing this.
Yeah, and they should.
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